Friday, March 21, 2008

The "BIG DIVE"...heeeheee

So after months of planning, and 3 long days of set up dives....we have 2 versions of how the story ends. John's version...just tell 'em we died and see if we get any responses. And the real version, which is after almost 5.5 hours of diving and a partially empty Explorer reel, about 9500ft of penetration and a brand new AzTek Divers 2008 arrow now the end of the line for the Sistema Camillo. And did I mention, it is some of the most beautiful cave we have ever seen and it is still running strong. You have to go through some nasty cave to get there, but it is worth it. And in the second version, we lived :)

And if you want you can go to the Cambrian Foundation, Akumal Project 2006 and see the pictures of the section called "House of Wax" . And the picture doesn't do it justice.

The dive had some obstacles. We had one regulator fail which prompted us to cut the dive short by 1 stage each. My scooter had a faulty trigger over portions of the dive (it wouldn't go) , so I had to run the magnet switch manually. And the normal task loading stuff. But we were happy with the dive.

Tomorrow is short the clean-up dive Cenote Camillo where we left 3 stages each.

Karen and John


Art & Karen Malone said...

wow, thats excellent! way to go.
Looking forward to more of the details when you guys get back.
How come I'm the only one making regular comments?
Have to admit....I was thinking of you guys today...hoping the dive went well and was all you hoped it would be. Again, congrats!

TQuick said...

You guys rock! Thanks for the link to pictures. It helps those of us who are too skeered to see it for ourselves. Although, with narration like we've gotten it makes it more tempting. So, how far in was House of Wax before the end? The other guys' log mentioned "muchachos" carrying their gear - you oughtta get you a couple of those! Kim should be on his way, if not already there - he's under the impression that he will be cleaning up, guess he's kinda like having a muchacho?! Can't wait for the rest of the details in person.